Sunday, December 31, 2006


Okay, I apoligize in advance if I offend anyone, but what is up with these things? They came out when I was in the 2nd grade and I remember seeing them. They were never popular until now. I see them EVERYWHERE. The mall, the grocery store, the bookstore, the card store, the neighborhood, everywhere. Mostly 8-10 year olds are wearing them, but for goodness sake, I've seen someone my age wearing them. What is the big deal!?!? They are kinda tacky... (not meant to offend anyone. this is my opinion)


Linden Street said...

I don't think they're meant to be a fashion statement. They're simply fun. The only harm in them I see is that kids can get into a lot of trouble wearing them in stores, at school, etc.

Violet said...

I have almost yelled at a few parents for letting their 10- and 12-year-old boys wear them in the grocery store... I'm not particularly fond of being run over on my way to grab a gallon of milk :-(

Anonymous said...

ye! it annoys me when people let their kids wear them places! I were in the costco and a maybe 10 year old boy ran right into me! Im not fond of those shoes...

GorJess Designs said...

yeah! haha i cant stand those things either! ha im always so tempted to trip those annoying little kids in the mall!

Anonymous said...

They are like everywhere at the mall! According to my brother there is a heelies store at southpark...i counted like over 10 kids with those things on at southpark! Alot of girls wear them and I am gunna try not to be critical but I would think that they are more of a boyish shoe...