Tuesday, January 30, 2007

iPod Shuffle in COLOR?!

Yes. that's right! The iPod Shuffle now comes in COLOR. I love the orange one!!!!!!! I don't think I could use an iPod that had no screen, or that only holds 240 songs (I have almost 1,000 on my mini...) so it's not for me... but I think it is so awesome they are doing shuffles in color! Now if only they'd have videos in color........................

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The "present" dress.

I was browsing Nordstrom's dresses and came across this one. It is so not me, but on the right person, it could look good. I personally am not a huge fan of it, but I wanted to post about the style. I love the idea of a bow right there. A very classic dress might have a bow in the back. I love how they spunk this dress up by putting it in the upper front. I love the idea of V-neck a different color (same as bow) with a different color bottom. What I don't like- The length. I think it would look better a little longer. It looks chopped off. The color- I don't think it's the right color combination for this style dress. The sleeves- I think it would look better either strapless, or thicker sleeves. The thin straps make a look almost like a bra especially because the top is white. The bow size- I think the bow strings on the bow need to be smaller.
All in all, I think this dress looks like a present. Maybe it should be fuller. I don't know. BTW, these are my opinions and nothing meant to offend anyone.
Nordstrom has some great dresses... check them out at www.nordstrom.com

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hearts and a mouse!

Don't you just love my new falling hearts and my ladybug mouse?! If you didn't know, "mei mei" in Chinese means little sister. That's why this blog is called MeiMei Designs. Well, the symbol for adoption is a ladybug. That explains for obsessions of ladybugs. AKA the ladybug mouse. For falling hearts, you can go to www.bbzspace.com and for mouses and more, go to www.addglitter.com! Thanks Caroline for all your help with this!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cute handbag!

I absolutely love this handbag by Rita Wilcox!!!!!!! www.ritawilcox.com. I love the colors and style of it. Rita Wilcox has some other great products as well. I know I've posted about their rainboots before, check out the rest!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Adress Labels

this one is possibly my favorite
and because of my obsession of ladybugs...
love the pattern and color combination used here
love the usage of lines and the trees in this one...
plain and simple- love the colors and the flamingo.

Most adress labels are those dull same ol American flags. Check these cute adress labels out! I LOVE these by Iomoi. They have tons more, so click the post title to see the rest. They have some other great products as well!

and yes, they have skull ones as well. (you know who you are.)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A new look that I love.

I needed a change. I was tired of the snowflakes and aqua. I love my new look! Do you?

The backround is Preppy Potato's "Carrie" fabric! I made the header on Microsoft PowerPoint. It's just a simple header. My slide show is made of avatars from Iconator that I put together in a slideshow on Photobucket.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sneak Peak

I took some awesome pictures for my catalouge. I don't want to give them all away, but here are a couple. I love how they turned out.

(photo one, tote by Preppy Potato- www.preppypotato.com)
(photo two, "Maggie" by Vera Bradley- www.verabradley.com)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Catalouge photo

I love how this picture turned out. The lighting is phenominal!

(picture, Dakota slippers by Ugg- www.uggaustrailia.com)

Monday, January 08, 2007

BCS Champs~Florida

Florida- National Champions. 41-14 upset against Ohio State! Whoop whoop! (not a huge Florida fan, but wayyy like them over OSU!)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

the coolest cupcakes ever.

I was at my friends house last night (with 4 other girls), and they had made the most awesome cupcakes. Dyed pink ice cream cones with the cupcake in them! Finished with choc. icing and many sprinkles. Yum.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~Emma Goldman